What makes us successful? We are convinced that it is our employees! Accordingly, we challenge and encourage them. Environmental protection, social projects and the training of young people—our responsibility does not end at the company's boundaries. We are excited to be involved in the community.
Our human resources policy is an important component of our holistic corporate management and has already been recognized by the Bavarian Ministry of Economics and Labor with the award “Successful.Family-friendly” award. To enable valuable contributions to be made, we at Schreiner Group create a positive environment, a collegial and open corporate culture, and optimal working conditions.
Schreiner Group regards the promotion of qualified junior staff as an important aspect of its social responsibility.
Schreiner Group sees itself as a responsible part of society and a reliable partner. Assuming social responsibility for our home community of Oberschleissheim and our new site in Dorfen is firmly anchored in our self-image as a family-owned company with regional roots:
The company is also involved in the cultural sector. Since 1977, for example, Schreiner Group has been supporting the old tradition of the Schäffler dance, which, according to legend, has its origins in 1517. At that time, the plague had raged in Munich. To bring joy to the people and to revive the streets, the Schäffler danced through the whole city. Every seven years, most recently in February 2019, the Munich barrel makers are Schreiner Group's guests with their guild dance and colorful costumes.
Another medieval tradition of the craft guild lives on with the “baptism” of the young printers after completion of their apprenticeship, the so-called “Gautschfeier”: By taking a bath in a wooden tub, the young printers are symbolically washed clean of the “mischief, faults, bungling, and hustling” of their apprenticeship period.