Use Case

Lock and Key Principle

Communication between Medication and Medical Device

A medical device or piece of diagnostic equipment is provided with an RFID reader (= lock). In a contactless and automated process, it reads a consumable equipped with an RFID-Label (= key)—such as a medication, a sample container, or reagent vessel. The data stored on the RFID chip (product code, dose, signature, etc.) ensure that only authentic products are used. Application errors due to an expired product or wrong dosing are avoided.

Representation of the data exchange between medical device and medication

Possible Applications

  • Injection devices
  • Pens
  • Adherence monitoring tools
  • Laboratory equipment
  • Diagnostic devices


  • Enhances patient safety during drug administration and self-medication
  • Prevents use of expired, wrong, or counterfeit medicines and consumables
  • Helps avoid drug delivery and dosing errors
  • Prevents illegal reuse and misuse of original containers
Use Case Example

Patient Support

The SmartPilot™ from Ypsomed is an electronic complement to the YpsoMate® autoinjector. It supports patients in the contexts of self-medication and involvement in therapy adherence. An NFC-Label from Schreiner MediPharm combines the SmartPilot™ with the injection aid and facilitates its use for the patient.

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Use Case Example

Low-Cost RFID

Schreiner MediPharm has entered into a collaborative partnership with Pragmatic for the purpose of offering pharma-labels for low-cost medicines and large volumes. The flexible and cost-efficient RFID tags are ideally suited for identification of consumables.

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