Use Case Example

Interactive Information and Adherence Support

Classic patient information leaflets inserted in medicine packaging contain information such as directions, descriptions and pictograms explaining how to use the medication. They are not always easy to understand and in many cases the leaflet is not within reach when the patient should take the medicine. The NFC-Label directly applied to the product offers fast and reliable access to interactive information presented in easily understandable form.

By simply touching the product label using an NFC-capable smartphone, mobile websites or apps can automatically be opened. The utilization of data stored on the NFC chip (such as expiration dates) enable additional assistance within the application and information can continuously be updated via the internet. As a result, patients or healthcare professionals always have access to current background information about the product—from clear identification of the drug to easy expiration date queries to key product information or warnings.

Smartphone with App
Smartphone with Video
Smartphone with Medication reminder
Smartphone with user behavior

NFC-Labels offer ideal assistance in how to use more complex devices such as injection aids that frequently require several steps to be taken in absolutely correct sequence. The pharmaceutical manufacturer can store explanatory videos, audio files or interactive step-by-step instructions explaining correct utilization.

The NFC-Label helps enhance adherence and thus improves the success of therapies by providing a simple and fast means of keeping a diary of the medications that have been taken. This makes it possible for patients to independently monitor their adherence as well as providing attending physicians with key data for optimizing therapies.

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