Company Profile

International High-Tech Company

As an internationally active high-tech company, we are mostly a strategic partner for our customers in the markets healthcare, mobility, general industry and government security. Our core business is innovative high-tech labels and functional parts. We increase the added value for our customers through suitable system solutions and services.

President and CEO Roland Schreiner

“Schreiner Group is a value-oriented family business. We think and act sustainably and achieve joint success as a strategic partner to our customers. Our high-end products are characterized by special technological innovations and outstanding quality.”

The Schreiner Group in Numbers:

High-tech labels per day
Million Euro annual turnover
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▶  Schreiner Group in 90 seconds: Get to know us!

Would you have thought that …

A graph illustrates that the labels produced by Schreiner Group in one year result in a length of 126,000 kilometers.
... the labels produced in one year (2.5 billion) result in a length of 126,000km? That is more than three times the circumference of the earth.
The graph illustrates that 46,000 deliveries per year are handled by Schreiner Group's logistics
... 46,000 deliveries per year are handled by Schreiner Group's logistics? Approx. 70% go abroad.
A graphic shows the size of the machines used by Schreiner Group to produce high-tech labels.
... our high-tech machines are up to 35 meters long? That's the size of a full-grown blue whale.

Corporate Management

Third Generation: President and CEO Roland Schreiner

Under the motto “continuity and new beginnings”, Roland Schreiner took over the management of Schreiner Group in 2012 as the third generation. At that time, he started with a clear objective—which he has successfully put into practice and continues to drive forward: to continuously develop the “hidden champion” into an international high-tech company.

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Managing Director Roland Schreiner is the third generation to head the family business.

Company Structure

Business Units

Specialists in the Network

Schreiner Group combines three business units, each of which is characterized by specific customer and market know-how. Under the umbrella of Schreiner Group, the business units use the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience and access the specific technologies of the four competence centers. On this basis, they develop intelligent solutions that offer additional benefits, simplify processes and reduce costs.

Schreiner MediPharm

Solutions for the Healthcare Industry

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Schreiner ProTech

Solutions for the Technical Industry

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Schreiner PrinTrust

Solutions for Security and Authentication

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Successful Worldwide

Schreiner Group has developed into an international high-tech company whose products are used worldwide. Europe, North America and China are the most important main markets. Schreiner Group is pushing ahead with its internationalization in a targeted manner. Thanks to the worldwide sales network, customers can be individually supported on site. In addition to the two production sites in Germany (headquarters in Oberschleissheim and, since 2019, a plant in Dorfen), production has also been taking place in Blauvelt (USA) since 2008 and in Shanghai (China) since 2016. Schreiner Group's goal is to ensure consistently high quality everywhere and to strengthen innovative solutions through close cooperation with local customers.


Great Awards for a Top Company

Numerous awards confirm our successful corporate management, our innovative strength, our responsibility for the environment and society, and show why we are a sought-after employer.

Discover our awards

Our History

Successful in Third Generation

Embark on a journey through 70 years of Schreiner Group: Find out how we have developed from a handicraft business for embossed seal brands to a high-tech company for innovative labels and functional parts.

Dive into our history